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Life Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes...

Happiness is inevitable!

Life Coaching because life fell apart & now it's time to pick up the pieces.

Sometimes life kicks our butt. Relationship issues, an empty nest, loss of employment, financial hardship ... blah, blah, blah.... it never ends ... Or does it?


Let me assure you, you can take control. You can shift away from where you are now and into a life that is luscious and pleasure-filled.


Let's play a game...


Picture your life a year from today...

You are celebrating. Why? Because you, my Darling have done the work. You’ve engaged in Life Coaching with Tammy. You have lived and breathed it, implemented, taken action, generally been a freakin' warrior, and now... well now you can experience hopefulness and happiness again.

Let’s carry on our little fantasy...
As the day begins, you awake eager to play in the world. As you sip your morning beverage of choice, you feel content and cheerful. As you continue the day, you are feeling confident and experiencing ease and flow. Ahhhhhh!

So my question is, if there was something that allowed you to do this, to create this day, this life, this existence - Would you take it?

Because there IS...
When you fully participate in Life Coaching with Tammy, you'll be able to pick up the pieces from when your life fell apart, build your life anew from them,  and finally become playfully engaged with life in as little as three months.

Now is your time.


Do you want to learn more? Let's talk. If you're committed to experiencing a different day-to-day than what you are now, then pick a date and time on my calendar and we'll get started with a no-cost, no-commitment chat.

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